Good credit control is invaluable to any business that wants to improve its cash flow. A carefully considered credit control policy not only boosts cash flow, but it can help to prevent business failure because of payment delays and increasing bad debt from customers....
Changes are coming for anyone that pays Income Tax via Self-Assessment. Making Tax Digital (MTD) for Income Tax Self-Assessment (ITSA) will be a requirement for anyone with a business and/or property income of more than £50,000 per year, from April 2026.
As of 1 April 2022, all VAT registered businesses are required to maintain and submit their company accounts using software which is compliant with the Making Tax Digital (MTD) Scheme. Since the role out of MTD in 2019, it was only businesses that exceeded the VAT...
Since HMRC introduced Making Tax Digital (MTD) in 2019, it has become increasingly important that businesses consider cloud accounting, or accounting software, as it is also commonly known. The arrival of MTD for VAT in April 2022 now means that VAT registered...
For anyone whose business has been voluntarily registered for VAT, you will soon need to change how you file those returns and you will also need to take on digital record keeping for your VAT accounts. These changes are coming because Making Tax Digital for VAT will...