Good credit control is invaluable to any business that wants to improve its cash flow. A carefully considered credit control policy not only boosts cash flow, but it can help to prevent business failure because of payment delays and increasing bad debt from customers....
Whether your business has been operating for some time on a sole trader basis, or you are just getting started in business, setting up as Limited Company needs careful consideration. If you are looking for some practical guidance to get you started with the process,...
As a Limited Company, are you legally required to use an accountant? If not, what are the key benefits to using an accountant for business. Explore the ways in which an accountant could support your Limited Company in this blog.
Over the last couple of years, cases of payment diversion fraud have been on the rise. In part due to the pandemic and increased remote working, organisations and individuals have become more susceptible to this type of fraud. So, what do you need to know about...